

“Chef Alli came to our Women in Ag Event and shared many of her electric pressure cooking tips and tricks. The crowd was very pleased with her engaging program and Chef Alli has a knack for making everyone feel at home and comfortable; she is charming, fun, and affectionately celebrates farm fresh food and its preparation. Her program helps the electric pressure cooker beginner feel more confident and less intimidated about its usage, empowering and encouraging families to prepare meals together.”

– Erin Tynon, MS
Extension Agent
Pottawatomie County, Family and Consumer Science
Westmoreland, KS

A delight to work with

“Chef Alli presented at the Great Plains Diabetes Live Well with Diabetes Event on November 4, 2017. She was a delight to work with from start to finish. Chef Alli provided information for the promotion of the event including recipes and quotes for our Facebook page well in advance of the event. We asked her to work with Sharon Penner, a dietitian, to add “diabetes content” to her cooking demonstration and the audience could not believe they had not worked together for years. The dishes she prepared were “spot on”, healthy, nutritious, and easy to prepare. The audience was engaged throughout her presentation. Would we have Chef Alli back? IN A MINUTE!”

– Belinda “Lindy” Childs, APRN, BC-ADM, CDE
Great Plains Diabetes, Wichita, KS

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My Kitchen Hero

“One of my joys in life is sharing food from my kitchen with family and friends. Your cooking classes have provided so much benefit to me! I began taking classes from you over four years ago, starting with stovetop cooking, adding cast iron and electric pressure cooking, as well. You taught me to troubleshoot my equipment, infuse flavor into my dishes, how to choose ingredients, and provided me with delicious recipes as a bonus. I love your cooking classes and have become a loyal and happy fan!”

– Jane Mossman
Wichita, Kansas

Inspiring and refreshing

“Chef Alli brings energy and enthusiasm as our brand ambassador for the From the Land of Kansas state trademark program. She encourages our members to be proud of what they grow, raise and produce across our state. Her passion for agriculture and food, coupled with her genuine personality and admirable reputation are not only inspiring but refreshing.”

– Kerry Wefald, Agriculture Marketing Director
Kansas Dept. of Agriculture

Wonderful job

“Chef Alli does a wonderful job connecting with consumers over food and farming. With her help, we’ve increased our reach and engagement on the Kansas Farm Food Connection Facebook page tremendously.”

– Meagan Cramer
Chair of Kansas Farm Food Connection

Customers leave happy

“We love having Chef Alli come to our store to teach. Classes sell out quickly; customers know Chef Alli’s instruction will be fun and informative. They leave happy with the tips and techniques they’ve learned from Chef Alli and excited about the great food they’ve experienced in class. She is very knowledgeable and loves to encourage people in the kitchen, making them feel comfortable, confident, and inspired to cook.”

-Jonna Corrigan
The Cooks Nook
McPherson, KS

I wish every woman, everywhere, could hear her speak

“The women in attendance of our retreat were hanging on Chef Alli’s every word. There were many laughs, a few tears shed from chopped onions, and most of all, hearts were touched. Yes, Chef Alli taught us how to prepare a delicious meal, but she also spoke wisdom, love and truth about marriage that hit us all right where we needed it. I wish every woman, everywhere, could hear her speak.”

—Shannon Miskowski
Women’s Leadership Team
The Grace Place Church
Enterprise, Alabama

Excellent job

“We’ve worked with Chef Alli as a brand ambassador for many years. She does an excellent job representing Kansas Farm Bureau to not only consumers, but our farm members as well.”

– Laton Dowling
Marketing Manager
Kansas Farm Bureau